= axe [ax, -USA], cut, cutback, cutting, cutting, squeeze, snip.
Ex: Following in the footsteps of Beeching's axe which put paid to the branch-line era of the railways, many rural bus routes have now been threatened by rising petrol costs.
Ex: Cuts in the 1988 budget have resulted in cuts in opening hours, staff hours, and book budget.
Ex: The vast majority of inquiries received by the van had nothing to do with consumer problems and, with the cutbacks of the 1980s, the service was withdrawn.
Ex: This article concludes that cutting the number of words could lead to undesirable impoverishing of data bases rendering them useless as an independent source of information.
Ex: Guard book or scrapbook type arrangement, with possibly a loose-leaf format, is suitable for organising and keeping cuttings, letters and other small items.
Ex: Even library services to rural areas have been affected by the squeeze on public sector spending.
Ex: With a snip here and a snip there, it's easy to turn a plant into a living sculpture.
* album de recortes = guard book, scrapbook.
* archivo de recortes = cuttings file [clipping file, -USA].
* archivo de recortes de prensa = newspaper clippings archives.
* colección de recortes = clipping file [cuttings file, -UK], cuttings file [clipping file, -USA].
* colección de recortes de periódicos = clippings collection.
* experimentar recortes = suffer + cuts.
* imponer recortes = impose + cuts.
* padecer recortes = experience + cutbacks.
* período de recortes presupuestarios = budget-slashing times.
* recorte del presupuesto = budgetary constraint, funding cut.
* recorte de periódico = clipping, newspaper clipping, newspaper cutting.
* recorte de personal = downsizing, staffing cut.
* recorte de plantilla = downsizing.
* recorte de pliego = offcut.
* recorte de prensa = press cutting [press-cutting], press clipping, newspaper clipping.
* recorte de presupuesto = cut in budget.
* recorte económico = axe [ax, -USA].
* recorte en el presupuesto = funding cut.
* recorte presupuestario = budget cut, budget crunch, budget squeeze, budgetary cut, funding cut.
* recortes = contraction, under the knife.
* recorte salarial = salary cut.
* recortes económicos = economic retrenchment, retrenchment, financial cutbacks, economic cuts, spending cuts, expenditure cuts.
* recortes presupuestarios = budget cutting.
* recortes presupuestarios + hacerse sentir = budget cut + bite.